I first found out about "The Naked and Famous" when my friends Bless and Mia came over at my house for a sleepover that never pushed through. Young Blood was the first song I've ever heard from TNAF and needless to say, I loved it.
So that's pretty much my inspiration for my outfit for today. I have to admit, the song really didn't strike me at first because I really couldn't understand what the singer was saying (lol i'm sorry tnaf fans.) but after I read the lyrics on the internet, I definitely was hooked.
The lyrics of the song talk about, obviously, the shenanigans as well as the mindset of the youth today. The songs describes perfectly how most of us are just wandering individuals looking for some sort of purpose as seen in the lines "The motive changes like the wind/ hard to control when it begins" as well as "Trying to find the in-between."
But the lyric that struck me the most was "Can't help myself but count the flaws." Which is a truth entirely. We've all gone or still going through some sort of "God-I-hate-myself" phase. Even I have.
"Young Blood" is such an inspiration. I've used it as a main idea in most of my art and I still am. So I decided to use it as the main inspiration for my outfit for today. Which I may or may not wear when I go laser-tagging with my friends tomorrow (well, I probably will).

Cream inner shirt, MANGO| Brown sweater, MANGO| Jeans, BAYO| Tribal headpiece, souvenir from Africa/India (bad memory, lol.)| Bracelet, Boracay| Make up: Lipstick- NYX (LSS 577, Very Berry); Lip liner- NYX (844 Deep Red); Foundation- Shiseido; Blush- NYX (PB 15, Stone); Eyeliner- The Body Shop|
So yeah, I pretty much had to stand up on a chair for you guys to stop myself from having to hold up my shoes to the camera just so that you guys can see it. And, I'm terribly sorry if I couldn't remember from which country I got the headpiece from. My parents bought it for me when I was five or six years old and it's just now that it could actually fit my head. Hahaw.
For my make up I wanted something a little... fierce? Thus the heavy eyeliner. The lipstick was an on the spot decision though! I was supposed to use a lighter and pink shade but oh well. I bought the NYX lipstick last December with my friends Grasha and Caren and buying it was an on the spot decision as well :)
So thanks for reading!
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